Exportadora Fruchile SpA

Table Grapes (Uvas de Mesa)

Chile’s diverse geography and ideal growing conditions make it one of the top exporters of premium table grapes. From crisp, seedless varieties to richly flavored, full-bodied grapes, Chilean vineyards produce a wide selection, including Red Globe, Thompson Seedless, and Autumn Crisp. Precision agriculture, sustainable farming, and cutting-edge post-harvest techniques ensure these grapes reach global markets in peak condition. With a harvest window that complements the Northern Hemisphere’s off-season, Chile plays a key role in keeping international supply steady and high in quality.

Availability & Production Calendar – Chile

Instead of a standard calendar, here’s a look at how Chilean table grapes progress from vineyard to export:

Month Plant Growth Stage Production & Availability
June – August
Dormancy & Pruning
No production
September – October
Flowering & Fruit Set
No production
November – December
Berry Growth & Ripening
Limited supply to markets
January – March
Peak Harvest
Maximum production, major exports
April – May
Post-Harvest Supply
Extended export window

With advanced cold storage and logistical expertise, Chilean grapes remain fresh and market-ready for months, allowing consumers worldwide to enjoy premium quality long after harvest season ends.