Exportadora Fruchile SpA

Apple (Manzana)

Nestled between the Andes and the Pacific, Chilean apples embody the perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and crunch. With over 36,000 hectares of apple orchards, Chile is a key supplier to global markets, offering varieties like Royal Gala, Fuji, and Granny Smith. Advanced post-harvest technology, including controlled atmosphere storage, ensures year-round availability, making Chile one of the world’s top apple exporters. The country’s diverse microclimates allow staggered harvesting, optimizing fruit quality and freshness for markets across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

Availability & Production Calendar – Chile

Month Plant Growth Stage Production & Availability
Early Ripening
Early harvest for certain varieties
Early Harvest
Limited Availability
Peak Harvest
High production & exports begin
Peak Harvest
Maximum availability, major exports
Late Harvest
Extended supply, exports continue
May – June
Stored Supply
Apples available via cold storage

Chile’s apple industry thrives on efficiency, sustainability, and innovation, ensuring a steady global supply from February through June, with extended availability due to advanced storage techniques.